This low rise style handlebar is exclusively designed for BMW R18. The handlebars are set lower than the stock handlebars, giving the overall form of the vehicle a more intrepid image, while also achieving tighter and more direct control performance. The diameter of the thicker part of the handlebar is 1 inch. The narrower part of the handle is 22mm in diameter to accommodate the factory front controls. The left and right front control mounting points have the same location as the factory handle, with a mantle hole for positioning when the left and right front controls are mounted.
BMW R18 : BL Original Handlebar
The handlebars are set lower than the stock handlebars, giving the overall form of the The handlebars are set lower than the stock handlebars, giving the overall form of the vehicle a more intrepid image, while also achieving tighter and more direct control performance.
The diameter of the thicker part of the handlebar is 1 The narrower part of the handle is 22mm in diameter to accommodate the factory front controls. The left and right front control mounting points have the same location as the factory handle, with a mantle hole for positioning when the left and right front controls are mounted.